Check your club's details are correct

Check you club’s details are correct
Contact information is displayed on email templates so ensure this information is correct. Also don’t forget to add your club’s terms and conditions.

This section and video describes the first 10 easy steps to configure your Club Manager.


> How to?
Go to Settings/ Branch Details

1. Contact information - add details including your club name, description and email address. The is shared with your members (for example in emails and the Club Manager App). So, check its correct and be careful not to include personal data. Remember to add your club’s terms and conditions.

2. Club capacity

3. Monthly sales target

4. Changing the logo and colour scheme

5. App simulator and options

6. SMS, financial and general settings

7. Free text and member programmes

8. Sign in screen and acces control

9. Booking options

10. Essential files

Go to Settings > Branch Details